Inflatable Hire Do's and Dont's


To Do's 

- Check the castle you want is available as early as you can as we get very busy in the peak season    “March - September “

- When enquiring let us know the date of the party (and the party times if possible) And give us your full address please house number street postcode etc. Just saying it’s at my house or in a street or the name of the town is not enough. This will help make the booking go as smoothly and as quick as possible for you.

- Check the size of the inflatable you want will fit in the grass area you have (or hall) We recommend at least an extra 3ft for each side of the inflatable and an extra 4ft for the front and back.

- Check we have easy access through gates and alleyways no less than 3ft wide and free from any obstructions 

- Check the area for the inflatable is free from any obstructions, sharp objects
And most of all any pet mess please this is the most important.
(it’s not very nice getting it on your hands when rolling a castle up)

- Please if you could do all of these for us before our arrival it would be a great help as we are running to a very tight schedule in our peak time to ensure every child gets their inflatable in time for their party.


Do Not's

Please do not have any -

On any of our inflatables some of these can cause a lot of damage to our inflatables others cause a lot of mess that takes a lot of time to clean time we don’t have we the castle is usually booked out again the next day. 

- Do not move any of our inflatables after we have set them up.

- Do not leave children unattended 

- Do not overcrowd the inflatable

Antrim Bouncy Castles